shell php


Welcome to the Pact API! You can use our API as a single messaging API. You can view code examples in the dark area to the right.

This API was designed by way Implement only required. Feel you free to contact with support if you are sure what make sense to append additional methods.

5 easy steps for integration:

  1. Signup here
  2. Get your API token in account settings
  3. Connect WhatsApp or Instagram or anything here
  4. Setup webhooks using this doc
  5. Try to send or receive message

Options for using our service

1. Curl

You could use curl or others tools for interact with our service


You could use our SDK-PHP

Private API V1


All requests to Pact API must be authenticated.

There are two options for autentication:

Pact expects for the API key to be included in all API requests to the server in a header that looks like the following:

X-Private-Api-Token: YOUR_API_TOKEN

or as a additional parameter in URI


You can get your Pact API key from account settings page.


# Header
  -H "X-Private-Api-Token: YOUR_API_TOKEN"

# OR use a private_api_token parameter
curl -X GET "API_ENDPOINT_HERE?private_api_token=YOUR_API_TOKEN"
$token = '<your super secret token>';
$pact = new \Pact\PactClient($token);


Get All Companies

curl ""
  -H "X-Private-Api-Token: YOUR_API_TOKEN"

 * This method return list of all user companies
 * @link
 * @param string $from Next page token geted from last request.
 *               Not valid or empty token return first page
 * @param int $per Number of elements per page. Default: 50
 * @param string $sort Change sorting direction. Available values: asc, desc. Default: asc.
 * @return Json|null

// Get companies without params


// Get companies with params

$client->companies->getCompanies($from, $per, $sort)

The above command returns JSON structured like this:

      "next_page": "fslkfg2lkdfmlwkmlmw4of94wg34lfkm34lg"

This endpoint return list of all user companies.

HTTP Request


Query Parameters

Parameter Required Validations Description
from false Must be a String not more than 255 symbols Next page token geted from last request. Not valid or empty token return first page
per false Must be a number between 1 and 100 Number of elements per page. Default: 50
sort_direction false Must be a String We sort results by id. Change sorting direction. Avilable values: asc, desc. Default: asc.

Update company

curl -X PUT ""
  -H "X-Private-Api-Token: YOUR_API_TOKEN"
  -d "name=Test"

  * This method updates specific company attributes
  * @link
  * @param int $companyId Id of the company for update
  * @param string $name Company name
  * @param string $phone Official company phone number of contact person
  * @param string $description Company description
  * @param string $webhook_url Endpoint for webhooks
  * @return Json|null


The above command returns JSON structured like this:


This endpoint updates specific company attributes.

HTTP Request


URL Parameters

Parameter Description
ID ID of the company for update

Query Parameters

Parameter Required Validations Description
name false Must be a String not more than 255 symbols Company name
phone false Must be a String Official company phone number or phone number of contact person
description false Must be a String Company description
webhook_url false Must be a String Endpoint for webhooks
hidden false Must be a Boolean Hide/Show a company in the Pact web interface

Create new company

curl -X POST ""
  -H "X-Private-Api-Token: YOUR_API_TOKEN"
  -d "name=Test"

 * This method creates a new company for user
 * @link
 * @param string $name Company name
 * @param string $phone Official company phone number of contact person
 * @param string $description Company description
 * @param string $webhook_url Endpoint for webhooks
 * @return Json|null


The above command returns JSON structured like this:


This endpoint creates a new company for user.

HTTP Request


Query Parameters

Parameter Required Validations Description
name true Must be a String not more than 255 symbols Company name
phone false Must be a String Official company phone number or phone number of contact person
description false Must be a String Company description
webhook_url false Must be a String Endpoint in the Internet which can receive webhooks


In order to receive and send messages, you need to connect channels. Channels is a source of incoming messages in the system. Channel providers:

You can also connect required channels via our web interface under the settings page.

Get All channels

curl ""
  -H "X-Private-Api-Token: YOUR_API_TOKEN"

 * This method returns all the company channels.
 * @link
 * @param int $companyId Id of the company
 * @param string $from Next page token geted from last request. Not valid or empty token return first page
 * @param int $per Number of elements per page. Default: 50
 * @param string $sort Change sorting direction (sorting by id). Avilable values: asc, desc. Default: asc.


The above command returns JSON structured like this:

      "next_page": "fslkfg2lkdfmlwkmlmw4of94wg34lfkm34lg"

This endpoint returns all the company channels.

HTTP Request


Query Parameters

Parameter Required Validations Description
from false Must be a String not more than 255 symbols Next page token geted from last request. Not valid or empty token return first page
per false Must be a number between 1 and 100 Number of elements per page. Default: 50
sort_direction false Must be a String We sort results by id. Change sorting direction. Avilable values: asc, desc. Default: asc.

URL Parameters

Parameter Description
COMPANY_ID ID of the company

Create new channel

curl -X POST ""
  -H "X-Private-Api-Token: YOUR_API_TOKEN"
  -d "provider=telegram&token=12345677890"

Create channel:


 * Unified method that can create channel in company.
 * @link
 * @note You can connect only one channel per one company for each provider.
 *       Contact with support if you want to use more than one channel
 * @param int $companyId Id of the company
 * @param string $provider
 * @param array $parameters

// # Create channel unified method
// Note: The array of parameters variables depending on the provider
//       You need add required parameters for your particular provider

$parameters = [
  'sync_messages_from' => $syncMessagesFrom
  // ...


Create whatsapp channel:


 * This method create a new channel for WhatsApp
 * @link
 * @param int $companyId Id of the company
 * @param DateTimeInterface $syncMessagesFrom Only messages created after will be synchronized
 * @param bool $doNotMarkAsRead Do not mark chats as read after synchronization
 * @return Json|null


Create instagram business channel:


 * This method create a new channel for InstagramBusiness
 * @link
 * @param int $companyId Id of the company
 * @param string $private_api_token on our side
 * @param string $provider there must be "instagram_business"
 * @param hash $data data from Instagram
 * @param string $token from Instagram data hash
 * @param string $phone user phone
 * @return Json|null


Create facebook/vkontakte/vkontakte_direct/telegram/viber channel


 * This method create a new channel in the company using token.
 * @link
 * @note List of supported channels that can be created by token
 *       you can see in link above
 * @param int $companyId Id of the company
 * @param string $provider (facebook, viber, vk, ...)
 * @param string $token
 * @return Json|null


The above command returns JSON structured like this:

   "status": "created",
   "data": {
      "external_id": 1

This endpoint create a new channel in the company.

HTTP Request


URL Parameters

Parameter Description
COMPANY_ID ID of the company

Query Parameters

Create whatsapp channel
Parameter Required Validations Description
provider true Must be whatsapp  
sync_messages_from false timestamp Only messages created after sync_messages_from will be synchronized. Not older than one month.
phone true string  
Create whatsapp business channel (dialog360 by token)
Parameter Required Validations Description
provider true Must be whatsapp_business  
hosting_type true Must be a cloud, onpremise Hosting platform type
token true Must be a String Token for auth.
subtype false Must be a regular, unlim, no_write_first Tarif name
Create whatsapp business channel (dialog360 by channel_id)
Parameter Required Validations Description
provider true Must be whatsapp_business  
hosting_type true Must be a cloud, onpremise Hosting platform type
dialog360_channel_id true Must be a String channel_id for auth
dialog360_client_id false Must be a String client_id for auth
account_name false Must be a String Account name for waba profile
subtype false Must be a regular, unlim, no_write_first Tarif name
Create avito channel
Parameter Required Validations Description
provider true Must be avito  
login true Must be a String avito client_id
password true Must be a String avito client secret
Create instagram business channel


  1. It is necessary to follow the instructions for Facebook until you receive the token.
  2. Make a request for,last_name,picture,name,email indicating the token.
    In the response you will receive information about your user.

  3. Send a request to us p1/companies/<company_id>/channels.
    The request body must contain:
    • provider: “instagram_business”
    • token: “token”
    • phone: “+79131112233”
    • data: “response body to previous request”

    At this stage, a channel was created and information on Instagram business accounts was uploaded.

  4. Send a request to p1/companies/<company_id>/channels/<external_id>/enable_page_instagram?page_id=<page[:id]>&sync_period=<sync_period>.

    external_id - parameter from previous request
    page[:id] - parameter from previous request
    sync_period - used to determine what period of messages will be synchronized: day, week, month, all.

    This is necessary in order to determine which Instagram account to use.

Parameter Required Validations Description
provider true Must be instagram_business  
private_api_token true String User privat token
data true Hash Data from Instagram that was transferred to redirect_url
phone true String User phone
token true String Instagram token
Create facebook/vkontakte/vkontakte_direct/telegram/viber channel
Parameter Required Validations Description
provider true Must be one of: facebook, vkontakte, vkontakte_direct, telegram, viber Shows which provider you want to connect
token true Must be a String Token for auth.
Create telegram personal channel (by qr code)
Parameter Required Validations Description
provider true Must be telegram_personal  
via_qr_code true boolean Must be a ‘true’
sync_messages_from false timestamp Only messages created after sync_messages_from will be synchronized. Not older than one month.
Create telegram personal channel (by digital code)
Parameter Required Validations Description
provider true Must be telegram_personal  
phone true Must be a String Phone number. Example: ‘7999999999’
sync_messages_from false timestamp Only messages created after sync_messages_from will be synchronized. Not older than one month.

Request code Confirm code

Get token for vk group:
  1. Open “Manage” in selected group
  2. Open “API usage” (
  3. Create and copy new token

Update channel

curl -X PUT ""
  -H "X-Private-Api-Token: YOUR_API_TOKEN"
  -d "token=9876543210"

Update channel:


 * This method updates existing channel in the company
 * @link
 * @param int $companyId
 * @param int $conversationId
 * @param array $parameters
 * @return Json|null

// # Update channel unified method
// Note: The array of parameters variables depending on the provider
//       You need add required parameters for your particular provider

$parameters = [
  'login' => $login,
  'password' => $password,
  // ...


Update instagram channel:


 * This method updates instagramm channel
 * @link
 * @param int $companyId
 * @param int $conversationId
 * @param string $login Instagram login
 * @param string $password Instagram password
 * @return Json|null


Update facebook/vkontakte/vkontakte_direct/telegram/viber channel:


 * This method updates channels that using tokens to auth
 * @link
 * @note List of supported channels that can be created by token
 *       you can see in link above
 * @param int $companyId
 * @param int $conversationId
 * @param string $token
 * @return Json|null


The above command returns JSON structured like this:


This endpoint updates existing channel in the company.

HTTP Request


URL Parameters

Parameter Description
COMPANY_ID ID of the company
ID ID of the channel

Query Parameters

For facebook/vkontakte/vkontakte_direct/telegram/viber/instagram_business channels
Parameter Required Validations Description
token true Must be a String

Delete channel

curl -X DELETE ""
  -H "X-Private-Api-Token: YOUR_API_TOKEN"

Delete channel:

 * Method deletes (disables) the channel
 * @link
 * @param int $companyId Id of the company
 * @param int $channelId Id of the conversation

$client->chanells->deleteChannel($companyId, $channelId);

The above command returns JSON structured like this:


HTTP Request


URL Parameters

Parameter Description
COMPANY_ID ID of the company
ID ID of the channel for disable

How to write first message to Whatsapp

Send first message to whatsapp

curl -X POST ""
  -H "X-Private-Api-Token: YOUR_API_TOKEN"
  -d "phone=79250000001&text=message"

 * Send first message to whatsapp
 * @link
 * @param int $companyId Id of the company
 * @param int $channelId Id of the conversation
 * @param string $phone Phone number
 * @param string $message Message text


The above command returns JSON structured like this:


How to check if user has Whatsapp account

curl -X GET ""
  -H "X-Private-Api-Token: YOUR_API_TOKEN"

The above command returns JSON structured like this:

   "exists": true

How to write first message to Whatsapp Business

curl -X POST ""
  -H "X-Private-Api-Token: YOUR_API_TOKEN"
  -d "phone=79250000001&template[id]=template_id&template[language_code]=ru&template[parameters][]=имя"

 * Send first message to whatsapp business
 * @link
 * @param int $companyId Id of the company
 * @param int $channelId Id of the conversation
 * @param string $phone Phone number
 * @param string $message Message text

$template = [
  'id' => $templateId,
  'language_code' => $templateLanguageCode,
  'parameters' => []


This endpoint provides an ability to create conversation with a client in whatsapp channel. When you execute this request we will add a job for delivery. We will send webhook when the operation is complete or failed.

You can also poll delivery status here: Jobs

HTTP Request


URL Parameters

Parameter Description
COMPANY_ID ID of the company
ID ID of the channel

Query Parameters

Parameter Required Validations Description
phone true Must be in format 79250000001 Contact phone number
message false Must be String Message text. For regular Whatsapp channel only
template false Must be Object Template data. For Whatsapp Business channel only

Whatsapp Business Template Parameters

Parameter Required Validations Description
id true Must be String ID of registered template
language_code true Must be String Language code of registered template ('en', 'ru', etc)
parameters true Must be Array Template substitution parameters

Request code (whatsapp)

Request code:

curl -X POST ""
  -H "X-Private-Api-Token: YOUR_API_TOKEN"
  -d "provider=whatsapp"

 * @link
 * @param int $companyId Id of the compnay
 * @param int $channelId Id of the channel
 * @param array $parameters
 * @return Json|null

$parameters = [
  'provider' => 'whatsapp'


The above command returns JSON structured like this:

   "sessionId": "1426",
   "code": "ZHHJ-KQSP",
   "ttl": "160s"

In the WhatsApp mobile application, you will receive a notification asking you to insert an authorization code. Enter the value “code” there

HTTP Request


URL Parameters

Parameter Description
COMPANY_ID ID of the company
ID ID of the channel
provider whatsapp

Query Parameters

Request challenge code
Parameter Required Validations Description
provider true Must be whatsapp  

Request code (telegram personal)

Request code:

curl -X POST ""
  -H "X-Private-Api-Token: YOUR_API_TOKEN"
  -d "provider=telegram_personal"

 * @link
 * @param int $companyId Id of the compnay
 * @param int $channelId Id of the channel
 * @param array $parameters
 * @return Json|null

$parameters = [
  'provider' => 'telegram_personal'


The above command returns JSON structured like this:

  "code_length": 6,
  "code_type": "app",
  "expires_in": 60,
  "next_type": "app",
  "session_id": 1337,
  "status": "ok"

This endpoint request code for telegram personal

HTTP Request


URL Parameters

Parameter Description
COMPANY_ID ID of the company
ID ID of the channel

Query Parameters

Request challenge code
Parameter Required Validations Description
provider true Must be telegram_personal  

Confirm code (telegram personal)

Confirmation type is code

curl -X POST ""
  -H "X-Private-Api-Token: YOUR_API_TOKEN"
  -d "provider=telegram_personal&confirmation_type=code&code=2567"

 * @link
 * @param int $companyId Id of the compnay
 * @param int $channelId Id of the channel
 * @param array $parameters
 * @return Json|null

$parameters = [
  'provider' => 'telegram_personal',
  'confirmation_type' => 'code',
  'code' => 2567


Successful response:

  "result": "ok",
  "state": "enabled"

Confirmirmation type is password

curl -X POST ""
  -H "X-Private-Api-Token: YOUR_API_TOKEN"
  -d "provider=telegram_personal&confirmation_type=password&password=123456"

 * @link
 * @param int $companyId Id of the compnay
 * @param int $channelId Id of the channel
 * @param array $parameters
 * @return Json|null

$parameters = [
  'provider' => 'telegram_personal',
  'confirmation_type' => 'password',
  'password' => 'qwerty123'


The above command returns JSON structured like this:

  "result": "ok",
  "state": "enabled"

This endpoint confirm telegram personal channel with two types: code, password

HTTP Request


URL Parameters

Parameter Description
COMPANY_ID ID of the company
ID ID of the channel

Query Parameters

Confirmation type is code
Parameter Required Validations Description
provider true Must be telegram_personal  
confirmation_type true Must be code  
code true Must be a Number Example: 1234
Confirmation type is password
Parameter Required Validations Description
provider true Must be telegram_personal  
confirmation_type true Must be password  
password true Must be a String Example: qwerty123

Request code (instagram only)

Request challenge code:

curl -X POST ""
  -H "X-Private-Api-Token: YOUR_API_TOKEN"
  -d "provider=instagram&challenge_variant=0"

 * @link
 * @param int $companyId Id of the compnay
 * @param int $channelId Id of the channel
 * @param array $parameters
 * @return Json|null

$parameters = [
  'challenge_variant' => $challengeVariant


The above command returns JSON structured like this:

  "result": "ok"

Request two factor authentication code:

curl -X POST ""
  -H "X-Private-Api-Token: YOUR_API_TOKEN"
  -d "provider=instagram&challenge_type=two_factor"

 * @link
 * @param int $companyId Id of the compnay
 * @param int $channelId Id of the channel
 * @param array $parameters
 * @return Json|null

$parameters = [
  'challenge_type' => $challengeType


The above command returns JSON structured like this:

  "result": "ok"

This endpoint request challenge or two factor authentication code.

HTTP Request


URL Parameters

Parameter Description
COMPANY_ID ID of the company
ID ID of the channel

Query Parameters

Request challenge code
Parameter Required Validations Description
provider true Must be instagram  
challenge_variant true    
Request two factor SMS authentication code
Parameter Required Validations Description
provider true Must be instagram  
challenge_type true Must be two_factor  

Confirm code (instagram only)

Confirm challenge code:

curl -X POST ""
  -H "X-Private-Api-Token: YOUR_API_TOKEN"
  -d "provider=instagram&confirmation_code=123456"

 * @link
 * @param int $companyId Id of the compnay
 * @param int $channelId Id of the channel
 * @param array $parameters
 * @return Json|null

$parameters = [
  'confirmation_code' => $confirmationCode


The above command returns JSON structured like this.

Successful response:

  "result": "ok"

Two factor authentication required:

  "result": "ok",
  "data": {
    "two_factor_requires": true,
    "details": [
      { "value": 1, "key": "sms" },
      { "value": 2, "key": "recovery_code" },
      { "value": 3, "key": "totp" }

Challenge required:

  "result": "ok",
  "data": {
    "confirmation_requires": true,
    "details": [
      { "value" => 1, "label" => "e*******" },
      { "value" => 0, "label" => "+0 *** ***-**-00" }

Confirm two factor authentication code:

curl -X POST ""
  -H "X-Private-Api-Token: YOUR_API_TOKEN"
  -d "provider=instagram&confirmation_type=two_factor&confirmation_variant=3&confirmation_code=123456"

 * @link
 * @param int $companyId Id of the compnay
 * @param int $channelId Id of the channel
 * @param array $parameters
 * @return Json|null

$parameters = [
  'confirmation_type' => $confirmationType,
  'confirmation_variant' => $confirmationVariant,
  'confirmation_code' => $confirmationCode


The above command returns JSON structured like this:

  "result": "ok"

This endpoint submit challenge or two factor authentication code.

HTTP Request


URL Parameters

Parameter Description
COMPANY_ID ID of the company
ID ID of the channel

Query Parameters

challenge code
Parameter Required Validations Description
provider true Must be instagram  
confirmation_code true Must be a String  
two factor authentication code
Parameter Required Validations Description
provider true Must be instagram  
confirmation_type true Must be two_factor  
confirmation_variant true Must be a Integer Variant from request code response (data->details->value). Typicaly 1, 2 or 3.
confirmation_code true Must be a String  


Conversation represents dialogue between you and the client. Currently only 1-1 conversations are supported. Each conversation has many messages.

Get All Conversations

curl ""
  -H "X-Private-Api-Token: YOUR_API_TOKEN"

 * Gets all conversations
 * @link
 * @param int id of the company
 * @param string Next page token geted from last request.
 * Not valid or empty token return first page
 * @param int Number of elements per page. Min 1, max 100, default: 50
 * @param string Change sorting direction. Available values: asc, desc. Default: asc.
 * @return Json|null

// Get conversations:


// Get conversations with parameters:


The above command returns JSON structured like this:


      "next_page": "fslkfg2lkdfmlwkmlmw4of94wg34lfkm34lg"

HTTP Request


Query Parameters

Parameter Required Validations Description
from false Must be a String not more than 255 symbols Next page token geted from last request. Not valid or empty token return first page
per false Must be a number between 1 and 100 Number of elements per page. Default: 50
sort_direction false Must be a String We sort results by id. Change sorting direction. Avilable values: asc, desc. Default: asc.

URL Parameters

Parameter Description
COMPANY_ID ID of the company

Create new conversation

curl -X POST ""
  -H "X-Private-Api-Token: YOUR_API_TOKEN"
  -d "provider=whatsapp&phone=79250000001"
curl -X POST ""
  -H "X-Private-Api-Token: YOUR_API_TOKEN"
  -d "provider=telegram_personal&username=testuser&text=Hello"

 * Creates new conversation
 * This endpoint creates conversation in the company
 * @link
 * @param int id of the company
 * @param string conversation provider (e.g. "whatsapp")
 * @param array provider related params (e.g. for whatsapp is ["phone": "<phonenum>"])
 * @return Json|null

$providerParams = [
  'phone' => $phone


The above command returns JSON structured like this:



This endpoint creates conversation in the company using whatsapp channel.

Create first message for whatsapp business provider

HTTP Request


URL Parameters

Parameter Description
COMPANY_ID ID of the company

Query Parameters for whatsapp channel

Parameter Required Validations Description
provider true Must be whatsapp Shows what you want to create new conversation in the whatsapp channel
phone true Must be in format 79250000001 Contact phone number

Query Parameters for telegram_personal channel

Parameter Required Validations Description
provider true Must be telegram_personal Shows what you want to create new conversation
phone true Must be in format 79250000001 Contact phone number
username true String Username
text true String Message text
send_to_crm false boolean Sync initializing message to CRM integrations. Default: true

Update note for conversation

curl -X PUT "<ID>/note"
  -H "X-Private-Api-Token: YOUR_API_TOKEN"
  -d "note=your+note"

The above command returns JSON structured like this:


This endpoint update note of conversation in the company.

HTTP Request


URL Parameters

Parameter Description
COMPANY_ID ID of the company
CONVERSATION_ID ID of the conversation

Body Parameters

Parameter Required Validations Description
note true Must be String Note text

Get conversation details

curl ""
  -H "X-Private-Api-Token: YOUR_API_TOKEN"

 * Retrives conversation details from server
 * @link
 * @param int id of company
 * @param int id of conversation
 * @return Json|null

$client->conversations->getDetails($companyId, $conversationId)

The above command returns JSON structured like this:



HTTP Request


URL Parameters

Parameter Description
COMPANY_ID ID of the company
ID ID of the conversation

Update assignee for conversation

curl -X PUT "<ID>/assign"
  -H "X-Private-Api-Token: YOUR_API_TOKEN"
  -d "assignee_id=42"

 * Update assignee for conversation
 * This endpoint update assignee of conversation in the company using whatsapp channel
 * @link
 * @param int id of company
 * @param int id of conversation
 * @param int id of user
 * @return Json|null


The above command returns JSON structured like this:


This endpoint update assignee the pact user to the conversation in the company.

HTTP Request


URL Parameters

Parameter Description
COMPANY_ID ID of the company
ID ID of the conversation

Query Parameters

Parameter Required Validations Description
assignee_id false Must be an integer User id

Toggle bitrix block openlines

curl -X PUT "<ID>/toggle_bitrix_block_openlines"
  -H "X-Private-Api-Token: YOUR_API_TOKEN"
  -d "enabled=true"

The above command returns JSON structured like this:

  "status": "ok",
  "data": {
    "conversation": {
      "external_id": 91,
      "name": "Mikhail Tabunov",
      "channel_id": null,
      "channel_type": "whatsapp",
      "created_at": "2021-12-09T06:08:50.106Z",
      "created_at_timestamp": 1639030130,
      "avatar": "",
      "sender_external_id": "79770000011",
      "meta": {},
      "last_message_at": 1639030130,
      "last_income_message_at": 0,
      "bitrix_block_openlines": true

This endpoint toggle bitrix_block_openlines param to the conversation in the company.

HTTP Request


URL Parameters

Parameter Description
COMPANY_ID ID of the company
ID ID of the conversation

Query Parameters

Parameter Required Validations Description
enabled false Must be a boolean Enabled status

Upload attachment for message

The above command returns JSON structured like this:

   "data": {
      "conversation": {
         "external_id": 1,

URL Parameters

Parameter Description
COMPANY_ID ID of the company
ID ID of the conversation

Query Parameters

Parameter Required Validations Description
file false Must be a file Uploaded file
file_url false Must be a file url File url
push_to_talk false Boolean To send audio files as voice messages
metadata: {“data”:{“width”: integer, “height”: integer}} false Json Determine the size of attachments (image, video) in the mobile version

HTTP Request


Code example


 * Сreates an attachment which can be sent in message
 * @link
 * @param int id of the company
 * @param int id of the conversation
 * @param Resource|StreamInterface|string file to upload
 * @return Json|null

// Example with file on local:

$file_path = realpath('image.png');
$response_attach = $client->attachments->uploadAttachment($company, $conversation, $file_path);
$messages = $client->messages->sendMessage(

// Example with file url:

$file_url = '';
$response_attach = $client->attachments->uploadAttachment($company, $conversation, $file_url);
$messages = $client->messages->sendMessage(

// Example with both variants:

$file_path = realpath('image.png');
$response_attach_1 = $client->attachments->uploadAttachment($company, $conversation, $file_path);

$file_url = '';
$response_attach_2 = $client->attachments->uploadAttachment($company, $conversation, $file_url);

$messages = $client->messages->sendMessage(


Each message belongs to conversation. Message fields:

Get conversation messages

curl ""
  -H "X-Private-Api-Token: YOUR_API_TOKEN"

 * Get conversation messages
 * @link
 * @param int id of the company
 * @param int id of the conversation
 * @param string Next page token geted from last request.
 * Not valid or empty token return first page
 * @param int Number of elements per page. Default: 50
 * @param string We sort results by created_at. Change sorting direction. Avilable values: asc, desc. Default: asc.
 * @return Json|null


The above command returns JSON structured like this:


      "next_page": "fslkfg2lkdfmlwkmlmw4of94wg34lfkm34lg"

HTTP Request


Query Parameters

Parameter Required Validations Description
from false Must be a String not more than 255 symbols Next page token geted from last request. Not valid or empty token return first page
per false Must be a number between 1 and 100 Number of elements per page. Default: 50
sort_direction false Must be a String We sort results by created_at. Change sorting direction. Avilable values: asc, desc. Default: asc.

URL Parameters

Parameter Description
COMPANY_ID ID of the company
CONVERSATION_ID ID of the conversation

Send message

curl -X POST ""
  -H "X-Private-Api-Token: YOUR_API_TOKEN"
  -d "message=hello&attachments_ids[]=attachment_id"

 * @link
 * @param int id of the company
 * @param int id of the conversation
 * @param string Message text
 * @param array<int>|null attachments


The above command returns JSON structured like this:


This endpoint delivers message to the client under specified conversation.

There are two delivery modes: synchronous and asyncronous. If message_id field in response is null or empty – it means asyncronous delivery.

You’ll receive a webhook with the delivery status if delivery is async.

You can check operation result manually here: Jobs

HTTP Request


URL Parameters

Parameter Description
COMPANY_ID ID of the company
CONVERSATION_ID ID of the conversation

Body Parameters

Parameter Required Validations Description
message false Must be String Message text
attachments_ids false Must be an Array with attachments ids IDs of previously uploaded attachments.
interactive false object Interactive message configuration (only WABA channel)
send_to_crm false boolean Sync this message to CRM integrations. If not specified the default value is ‘true’

Important: Some messengers support only text or only attachment in one message. For example, whatsapp allows to attach a caption for an image but not allows to attach a caption to a PDF document. Multiple attachments are allowed only for vkontakte

Interactive WABA message with buttons example

curl -X POST ""
  -H "X-Private-Api-Token: YOUR_API_TOKEN"
  -d "{ "message": "wassup", "interactive": { "type": "button", "buttons": ["fine", "awesome"] } }"

Upload attachments

curl -X POST ""
  -H "X-Private-Api-Token: YOUR_API_TOKEN"
  -F "file=@path/to/local/file"

$file_path = realpath('image.png');
$response_attach_1 = $client->attachments->uploadAttachment($company, $conversation, $file_path);

$file_url = '';
$response_attach_2 = $client->attachments->uploadAttachment($company, $conversation, $file_url);

$messages = $client->messages->sendMessage(

The above command returns JSON structured like this:


This endpoint creates an attachment which can be sent in message.

HTTP Request


URL Parameters

Parameter Description
COMPANY_ID ID of the company
CONVERSATION_ID ID of the conversation

Query Parameters

Parameter Required Validations Description
file false Must be a File. Mutually exclusive with file_url Attachment file
file_url false Must be a url (http or https). mutually exclusive with file Attachment file url

Waba templates

A company with a whatsapp_business channel can have waba templates

Get waba templates

curl ""
  -H "X-Private-Api-Token: YOUR_API_TOKEN"

  * Gets WhatsApp Business templates
  * @link
  * @param int id of the company
  * @param string Next page token geted from last request.
  * Not valid or empty token return first page
  * @param int Number of elements per page. Min 1, max 100, default: 50
  * @param string Change sorting direction. Available values: asc, desc. Default: asc.
  * @return Json|null

# Simple request


# Pagination


returns JSON structured like this:

        "name":"Шаблон с переменной",
        "body":"Тестовый шаблон с какой то переменной {{1}}",

HTTP Request


Query Parameters

Parameter Required Validations Description
from false Must be a String not more than 255 symbols Next page token geted from last request. Not valid or empty token return first page
per false Must be a number between 1 and 100 Number of elements per page. Default: 50
sort_direction false Must be a String We sort results by created_at. Change sorting direction. Avilable values: asc, desc. Default: asc.

URL Parameters

Parameter Description
COMPANY_ID ID of the company


Webhooks is a way to notify you about new messages or other events in our system. It’s mandatory to use webhooks for 99% integrations with our API.

Endpoint with webhook_url must response with http status code 200 if endpoint received webhook.

Webhook could be repeated up to 10 times within 60 sec delay if response status code is not equal 200. After 10 retries webhook will be dropped and nevery delivered.

New conversation

The above command returns JSON structured like this:

      "name":"Sender Name",
      "avatar_url": "",
      "created_at":"2017-11-11 12:45:53 UTC",


Update conversation

The above command returns JSON structured like this:

      "name":"Sender Name",
      "avatar_url": "",
      "created_at":"2017-11-11 12:45:53 UTC",


New message

The above command returns JSON structured like this:

        "id": 1,
        "type": "whatsapp"
      "message":"Message body",
      "location": {},
      "created_at":"2017-11-11 12:45:53 UTC",


Message delivery/read status

The above command returns JSON structured like this:

    "type": "message",
    "event": "ack",
    "data": {
        "external_id": 1,
        "channel": {
            "id": 1,
            "type": "whatsapp"
        "conversation_id": 1,
        "ack": 3


Possible statuses:

If message in a -1 state - message may not be delivered. You must to care about message delivering by yourself.

Delivery job executed

The above command returns JSON structured like this:



Possible results:

If message is NOT DELIVERED we append reason filed with reason information.

Whatsapp: new QR-code

The above command returns JSON structured like this:

   "data":"BASE64 QR-CODE image string"


Whatsapp: channel connected sucessfuly

The above command returns JSON structured like this:

      "date":"2017-11-11 12:45:53 UTC",


QR-code was scanned successfuly

Whatsapp: phone offline

The above command returns JSON structured like this:

      "message":"phone offline",
      "date":"2017-11-11 12:45:53 UTC",


Device with WhatsApp application is unreachable. We can’t work with whatsapp while phone is offline.

Whatsapp: phone online

The above command returns JSON structured like this:

      "message":"phone online",
      "date":"2017-11-11 12:45:53 UTC",


Device with WhatsApp application is reachable again.

Whatsapp: channel not available

The above command returns JSON structured like this:

      "date":"2017-11-11 12:45:53 UTC",


Someone started session at or user similar integration. We can’t work with whatsapp while Whatsapp WEB is open.

Whatsapp: channel disabled

The above command returns JSON structured like this:

      "date":"2017-11-11 12:45:53 UTC",


By some reason whatsapp session is not alive anymore (for example, user exited on the device or whatsapp expired session)

Whatsapp: trying to resume channel work

The above command returns JSON structured like this:

      "date":"2017-11-11 12:45:53 UTC",


We’re trying to resume work after previous conflict state

Whatsapp: synchronization completed

The above command returns JSON structured like this:

      "date":"2017-11-11 12:45:53 UTC",


Instagram: changed state to disabled

The above command returns JSON structured like this:

      "message":"IG was set DISABLED",
      "date":"2017-11-11 12:45:53 UTC",


Group chats: new conversation

The above command returns JSON structured like this:

   "type": "group_conversation",
   "event": "new",
      "name": "Group name",
      "avatar_url": null,
      "channel_id": 1,
      "created_at": "2023-04-28T12:34:01.937Z",
      "external_id": 1,
      "channel_type": "whatsapp",
      "last_message_at": null,
      "sender_external_id": "120363148147828952",
      "created_at_timestamp": 1682685241,
      "last_income_message_at": null


Group chats: new group message

The above command returns JSON structured like this:

    "type": "group_message",
    "event": "new",
    "data": {
        "ack": 0,
        "income": true,
        "channel": {
            "id": 1,
            "type": "whatsapp"
        "message": "Message body",
        "location": null,
        "channel_id": 1,
        "created_at": "2023-04-05T12:00:52.000Z",
        "attachments": [],
        "external_id": 1,
        "channel_type": "whatsapp",
        "conversation_id": 1,
        "external_public_id": "79000000000",
        "created_at_timestamp": 1680696052,
        "external_created_at_timestamp": 1680696052


Group chats: message delivery/read status

The above command returns JSON structured like this:

   "type": "group_message",
   "event": "ack",
   "data": {
      "channel": {
         "id": 65706,
         "type": "whatsapp"
      "timestamp": 1682658436,
      "external_id": 1,
      "participant": "79000000000",
      "conversation_id": 1,
      "external_public_id": null,
      "ack": 3


Possible statuses:

Group chats: new active member

The above command returns JSON structured like this:

   "type": "group_conversation_contact",
   "event": "new",
   "data": {
      "contact": {
         "external_public_id": "79000000000"
      "channel_id": 65706,
      "channel_type": "whatsapp",
      "date_timestamp": 1682652148,
      "conversation_id": 1


Message delivery Jobs

Get Job details

curl "<CHANNEL_ID>/jobs/<ID>"
  -H "X-Private-Api-Token: YOUR_API_TOKEN"

 * This method return info about message delivery job
 * @link
 * @param int id of the company
 * @param int id of the channel
 * @param int id of the job
 * @return Json|null


The above command returns JSON structured like this:


This endpoint returns information about message delivery job

HTTP Request


URL Parameters

Parameter Description
COMPANY_ID ID of the company
CHANNEL_ID ID of the channel
ID ID of the job


Message will be NOT DELIVERED if case when:

Private API V2

Authentication V1

curl -X POST "" \
--header "Content-Type: application/json" \
--data '{
    "private_api_token": "YOUR_API_TOKEN",
    "another_parameter": "value"
curl -X POST "" \
--header "Content-Type: application/json" \
--header 'X-Private-Api-Token: YOUR_API_TOKEN' \
--data '{
    "another_parameter": "value"
--header "Content-Type: application/json" \
--data '{
    "another_parameter": "value"

Example of auth error:

  "errors": [
      "status": 401,
      "code": "unauthorized",
      "title": "Unauthorized",
      "detail": "No token provided"

To facilitate a smooth transition, we have decided to temporarily keep the old authentication method and label it as V1

For V1 authentication, a private api token will be used as before. Use it for all requests. You can use one of these variants you like:

See examples on the right side –>

Authentication V2


All requests to Pact API must be authenticated.

Pact expects for an authentication token to be included in all API requests to the server in a header that looks like the following:


Here are steps to receive your Authentication Token

  1. Set webhook_url in your user settings at
  2. To receive security code on your webhook_url send request


  1. To receive Authentication Token and Refresh token send


Authentication Token in Authentication-Token header and Refresh Token in Refresh-Token header (lifespan is 1 hour / 30 days respectivly). Refresh Token is one use only.

To receive new pair of tokens send with a header that looks like this

X-Api-Refresh-Token: Refresh Token



With the help of what is described in this section you can:

curl -X GET '' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data '{
    "private_api_token": YOUR_API_TOKEN,
    "company_id": COMPANY_ID,
    "page": 1

The above command returns JSON structured like this:

  "messages": [
      "id": 13224,
      "external_id": "b91c9b99-7c24-40a7-8b52-1d80b5b3e158",
      "company_id": 52204,
      "conversation_id": 18642850,
      "contact_id": 549645235,
      "replied_to_id": null,
      "created_at": "2024-11-12T06:28:10.907Z",
      "external_created_at": "2024-11-12T06:28:10.000Z",
      "income": false,
      "status": "read",
      "message": null,
      "reactions": [],
      "details": null,
      "attachments": [
          "id": 53431944,
          "message_id": 13224,
          "file_name": "p4ct-br0ws3r-v01ce-r3c0rd.ogg",
          "mime_type": "audio/ogg",
          "size": 39185,
          "attachment_url": "",
          "push_to_talk": true
  "meta": {
    "page": 1,
    "entries_count": 1,
    "per_page": 150

Get Conversation Messages

Returns paginated messages of the conversation sorted by external_created_at field

By default, 150 messages will be returned per page

Read more about pagination

HTTP Request


URL Parameters

Parameter Description
CONVERSATION_ID ID of the conversation

Body Parameters (Json)

Parameter Required Validations Description
private_api_token true Must be a string YOUR_API_TOKEN
company_id true Must be an integer ID of the company
page false Must be an integer Number of page. Returns first page if it is not provided
per_page false Must be an integer Amount of entries per page will be return (150 by default)

Response Parameters

Message object

Attachment object

Meta object. More info in the paragraph about pagination

curl -X GET '' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data '{
    "private_api_token": YOUR_API_TOKEN,
    "company_id": COMPANY_ID

The above command returns JSON structured like this:

  "message": {
    "id": 1134326991,
    "external_id": "34577",
    "company_id": 86605,
    "conversation_id": 209752626,
    "contact_id": 1583160940,
    "replied_to_id": null,
    "created_at": "2025-02-05T09:01:48.514Z",
    "external_created_at": "2025-02-05T09:01:47.000Z",
    "income": true,
    "status": "created",
    "message": "",
    "reactions": [],
    "details": null,
    "attachments": []

Get Conversation Message

Returns message of the conversation by id

HTTP Request


URL Parameters

Parameter Description
CONVERSATION_ID ID of the conversation

Body Parameters (Json)

Parameter Required Validations Description
private_api_token true Must be a string YOUR_API_TOKEN
company_id true Must be an integer ID of the company

Response Parameters

Message object

curl -X POST '' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data '{
    "private_api_token": YOUR_API_TOKEN,
    "company_id": COMPANY_ID,
    "text": "test"

The above command returns JSON structured like this:

  "message": {
    "id": 239,
    "external_id": null,
    "company_id": 52204,
    "conversation_id": 18642824,
    "contact_id": 3,
    "replied_to_id": null,
    "created_at": "2025-02-13T14:07:51.582Z",
    "external_created_at": "2025-02-13T14:07:51.000Z",
    "income": false,
    "status": "sent",
    "message": "Hello World!",
    "reactions": [],
    "details": null,
    "attachments": []

Send Message To Existing Conversation

Allows to send message to existing conversation

HTTP Request


URL Parameters

Parameter Description
CONVERSATION_ID ID of the conversation

Body Parameters (Json)

Parameter Required Validations Description
private_api_token true Must be a string YOUR_API_TOKEN
company_id true Must be an integer ID of the company
text false Must be a string Text of the message
attachment_ids false Must be an array of integers IDs of the attachments
replied_to_id false Must be a string External ID of the message to which this message is a reply

Response Parameters

Message object

curl -X POST '' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data '{
    "private_api_token": YOUR_API_TOKEN,
    "company_id": COMPANY_ID,
    "text": "test"

The above command returns JSON structured like this:

  "message": {
    "id": 239,
    "external_id": null,
    "company_id": 52204,
    "conversation_id": 18642824,
    "contact_id": 3,
    "replied_to_id": null,
    "created_at": "2025-02-13T14:07:51.582Z",
    "external_created_at": "2025-02-13T14:07:51.000Z",
    "income": false,
    "status": "sent",
    "message": null,
    "reactions": [],
    "details": null,
    "attachments": [
        "id": 5,
        "message_id": 239,
        "file_name": "5287346531311154701.png",
        "mime_type": "image/jpeg",
        "size": 65030,
        "attachment_url": "",
        "preview_url": "",
        "aspect_ratio": 0.46,
        "data": {
          "width": 591,
          "height": 1280

Write First Message

Allows to send message when no conversation with this recipient exists

Only these providers available at this moment: whatsapp, telegram_personal, whatsapp_business

HTTP Request


Body Parameters (Json)

Parameter Required Validations Description
private_api_token true Must be a string YOUR_API_TOKEN
company_id true Must be an integer ID of the company
provider true Must be a string and one of: whatsapp, telegram_personal, whatsapp_business Provider
phone false Must be a string Recipient phone
nickname false Must be a string Recipient nickname (for telegram_personal)
text false Must be a string Text of the message
attachment_ids false Must be an array of integers IDs of the attachments
waba_id false Must be a string WhatsappBusiness template ID
substitutions false Must be an array of strings WhatsappBusiness template substitutions (if template has them)

You should use waba_id if you want to write first with whatsapp_business provider. More about waba templates

Response Parameters

Message object


Example of response with pagination:

  "companies": [
      "id": 26,
      "name": "Company 26"
      "id": 27,
      "name": "Company 27"
      "id": 28,
      "name": "Company 28"
      "id": 29,
      "name": "Company 29"
  "meta": {
    "page": 2,
    "entries_count": 4,
    "per_page": 25

Api V2 supports pagination. Pagination is a method used to divide large sets of data into smaller, more manageable chunks, which are returned page by page. This helps improve performance and reduces the amount of data transferred in a single request

If there are more results than can fit on a single page, you can request additional pages by increasing the page parameter. The response will include metadata indicating the current page, the number of records on that page, and the total number of records per page

For example, if there are 100 records and per_page is set to 25, there will be 4 pages available. You can navigate through the pages by changing the page parameter in your request

Pagination Parameters In Request

Parameter Required Validations Description
page false Must be an integer Number of page. Returns first page if it is not provided
per_page false Must be an integer Amount of entries per page will be return

Response Parameters

Meta object

Request Rate Limits

Error like this will be returned when request limit was overed:

  "errors": [
      "status": 429,
      "code": "too_many_requests",
      "title": "Too many requests error",
      "detail": "Please wait for 50 seconds"

Api V2 has request rate limits

To ensure system stability, prevent abuse, and optimize performance, our API enforces rate limits. These limits control the number of requests a single user can make within a specific time frame

Why Are Rate Limits Necessary? Rate limits help to: Protect the system from overload – limiting request frequency prevents sudden spikes in server load. Prevent abuse. Ensure fair resource distribution – all users get equal access to the API, preventing excessive usage by a single client from affecting others. Optimize performance – keeps the server running smoothly and predictably without sudden performance drops. If the rate limit is exceeded, the server will return an error with the HTTP status code 429 Too Many Requests. In such cases, it is recommended to retry the request after some time

Some endpoints have several rate limits to control both short-term and long-term request bursts. This multi-limit approach balances responsiveness and fairness, allowing high-frequency but controlled API usage

The rate limits depending on the type of request:

Get messages of the conversation:

Get concrete message of the conversation:

Send message to existing conversation:

Write first message:


Webhook when message was sent:

  "event": "create",
  "type": "message",
  "object": {
    "id": 22891,
    "external_id": null,
    "company_id": 52249,
    "conversation_id": 18643195,
    "contact_id": 549645443,
    "replied_to_id": null,
    "created_at": "2025-02-17T14:46:29.074Z",
    "external_created_at": "2025-02-17T14:46:29.000Z",
    "income": false,
    "status": "sent",
    "message": "Текст в заголовке\nШаблон с кнопками и текстом в заголовке",
    "reactions": [],
    "details": null,
    "attachments": []

Webhook when message was delivered:

  "event": "update",
  "type": "message",
  "object": {
    "id": 22891,
    "external_id": "wamid.HBgLNzk1MTY1ODE2MTIVAgARGBI3NzUyM0MxNkYxRjFGM0U0NkMA",
    "company_id": 52249,
    "conversation_id": 18643195,
    "contact_id": 549645443,
    "replied_to_id": null,
    "created_at": "2025-02-17T14:46:29.074Z",
    "external_created_at": "2025-02-17T14:46:29.000Z",
    "income": false,
    "status": "delivered",
    "message": "Текст в заголовке\nШаблон с кнопками и текстом в заголовке",
    "reactions": [],
    "details": null,
    "attachments": []

Webhook when message was failed:

  "event": "update",
  "type": "message",
  "object": {
    "id": 22892,
    "external_id": "wamid.HBgLNzk2MDk4MjMwODkVAgARGBJCMjM1NEU1Q0UwMzcyNEI2NEUA",
    "company_id": 52249,
    "conversation_id": 18643298,
    "contact_id": 549645443,
    "replied_to_id": null,
    "created_at": "2025-02-17T15:07:24.968Z",
    "external_created_at": "2025-02-17T15:07:24.000Z",
    "income": false,
    "status": "error",
    "message": "Текст в заголовке\nШаблон с кнопками и текстом в заголовке",
    "reactions": [],
    "details": {
      "result": "NOT DELIVERED",
      "internal_reason": {
        "errors": [
            "code": 131026,
            "error_data": {
              "details": "Message Undeliverable."
            "message": "Message undeliverable",
            "title": "Message undeliverable"
    "attachments": []

With Api V2 release we are starting to send new type of webhooks. More standardized, opimized and informative

Webhook Parameters

Message Webhooks:

When a message is sent (after sending message to existing conversation for ex), the service triggers a webhook with the create event and the status sent. At this stage, external_id is null because we have not received answer from provider at this moment

Once the message is successfully sent, a webhook with the update event is triggered, where:

The status is updated to delivered, external_id is assigned

If a message fails to send, the status is updated to error, and the details field contains the reason for the failure. In this case, the message failed to send due to recipient does not have whatsapp_business

For incoming messages you will receive only one webhook with event create and message status created

Webhook Message Object Parameters

Message object


The Pact API uses the following error codes:

HTTP Status Meaning
400 Bad Request – Your request sucks
401 Unauthorized – Your API key is wrong
402 Payment Required – Paywoll enabled for the company, you must pay before doing API requests
403 Forbidden – The endpoint is unavailable for you
404 Not Found – The specified resource could not be found
405 Method Not Allowed – You tried to access with an invalid method
406 Not Acceptable – You requested a format that isn’t json
410 Gone – The requested resource has been removed from our servers
418 I’m a teapot
429 Too Many Requests – You’re requesting too many requests! Slow down!
500 Internal Server Error – We had a problem with our server. Try again later.
502 Bad Gateway – We’re temporarially offline for maintanance. Please try again later.
503 Service Unavailable – We’re temporarially offline for maintanance. Please try again later.

Terms and conditions


This API is in no way affiliated with, authorized, maintained, sponsored or endorsed by

This is an independent and unofficial API. Use at your own risk.